Project Description

Monitoring Education

Problem: Mid-size Pre-K through 12 school district had been experiencing a persistent and escalating number and value of change orders for their annual building renovation and MEP projects. This led to cost overruns that either threatened their contingency amounts or required higher than would be considered standard, necessary contingencies. This reduced the amount of funding available for work each year, reducing the projects they were able to complete. The district was also concerned about subsequent potentially unnecessary project delays. Themes considers both of these unacceptable.  

Themes Solution: Themes was hired by the district to represent them to perform oversight on their projects from another architect, alert when a project was headed in the wrong direction, sit in meetings with the project architect and contractors representing the district to shortstop project delays, establish a presence on the job site(s), alert the district to problems and cost overruns while there is still time to make corrections and save the district money and time.

Result: The district has a trusted advisor with the proper experience to monitor construction specs, financial implications and timing. The intension is for the school district to be assured there will be no unnecessary cost overruns or delays. The Themes reputation for project oversight and detail is the key. Imagine what could be achieved if Themes has the opportunity to start at the initial planning stage, controlling costs and allowing for more predictable outcomes!